Noblesse Oblige
Noblesse Oblige means the obligation of nobility. This is the concept that those who are more fortunate are required by their good fortune to help those who are less fortunate. It has been around since the Medieval Age where nobility existed. If we pay attention, we find that has become more and more interwoven into the fabric of American politics. The Democrats use it as the basis of their tax policy. It's behind the idea that the "rich must pay their fair share."
Here's the question, who says this must be so? Why are those who work hard to become successful obligated to help those who aren't as successful? Why is it an "obligation" for the wealthy to give me some of that money? More importantly, if people are obligated to give away their wealth once they work hard to get it, what is the incentive to become wealthy? Lastly, what exactly is a "fair share" and who qualifies as "rich"?
If the government requires that the more fortunate give a greater percentage of their income to the poor, what does that do to the concept of charity? Does giving a greater percentage of income to the government relieve the wealthy of having to support other charity? On the other side, what obligation do those receiving this redistributed wealth have to society? Should they have to contribute to "pay back" the gifts they have received from the wealthy? How do they recognize the sacrifice made on their behalf?
Thoughts anyone?
Just wanted to let you know that even though I may not comment, I read your blog!
Just wanted to let you know, I hope Obama gets booted in 2012.
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