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Thursday, May 8, 2008


Did you know that Google can block a blog as a "spam blog"? I don't even know what a spam blog is. All I know is I'm back and writing again.

Much has happened since my last post in April. We've had the Democratic feeding frenzy with the Dems turning on their own golden girl and telling her the game is over. Does it sound like things are unfolding according to predicitions in one of my previous posts?

The price of oil has skyrocketed even as Americans are starting to learn to "go green". Our demand for oil is actually beginning to slow and possibly drop. Keep trading in those gas sucking SUVs and turning toward hybrids! By the way, did anyone in Detroit notice that while their sales are tanking, Toyota turned in one of the best quarters they've had? Could it be that the American people aren't as stupid as a Detroit executive? We need to use LESS GAS!! If you make SUVs and pickups that are hybrid, maybe your sales will begin to return, otherwise, learn to speak Japanese.

The stock market has begun to turn. Maybe our recession, as predicted by the market, has bottomed out and begun to improve.

A reader suggested less politics and more personal info here. That will come, but right now I only have time for the quick political comment.

Any thoughts?

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