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Saturday, December 9, 2006

I understand Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern

For those of you familiar with Howard Stern in his current Sirrus incarnation, it would be quite informative to see his movie Private Parts to see how he got that way. He didn't start out being the disgusting, foul-mouthed pervert that he is today (in my humble 1st Amendment opinion - not stated as fact). In fact, he is portrayed as a rather humble, decent baby DJ who couldn't catch a cold, never mind an audience, until he became outrageous.

In my endeavors to try and stimulate a little discussion and debate over topical issues, I find that a moderate, thoughtful view, while possibly thought-provoking (or so I've been told) is not enticing enough to get you to comment. This makes me sad.

Are we so busy that we can't take a few minutes to perhaps indulge the mind in a bit of sparring, even if it's just for argument's sake (a pasttime many know that I enjoy)? Is it possible that we have become numb to the idea of discussion and sharing ideas unless we are involved in either the giving or receiving of a Limbaugh style rant? Do we have to be incensed or offended in order to offer our opinion?

It is my feeling that the "silent majority" consists of the everyday folk who are moderate in their views, kind to their friends and family, and are steadfast in their values. They are the ones who led the flag-waving after 9-11, because they do it instinctively on a regular basis. They believe what they are saying. I also feel that they (we) have let themselves be out-shouted so often that they don't offer an opinion on anything unless they have reached the boiling point. They seem to feel that anything less than that is not important enough.

I am arguing that is not true!! I feel that discussion for the sake of discussion is important for your mind. It is the way to build bonds and to solidify your ideas. It is a way to see new points of view and sometimes, it's just good for the soul to get those thoughts out there. This is (I'm beginning to learn) my point in writing the Common Man Digest. Thank you to those who have posted comments, and to those who haven't, please take a moment and share yourself. Write a thought....anything....even if it's "Your blog is boring. I read it before I go to bed so I get a good night's sleep." At least that's a thought and you've offered it to the world. Go ahead, throw your pebble in the pond.


Unknown said...

I have never listened to Howard Stern. I do not ever intend to do so willingly. There are enough "disgusting, foul-mouthed pervert(s)". I like to do things with my time that entertain, educate, or provide some redeeming social value. I see none of that in Stern. It saddens me that there are so many people in the world that will support the existance of such a form of making a living.

You didn't say any thing about Rush Limbaugh. Although he does not have as vile a reputation as Stern, he makes his living off of being outragious. As you are well aware, I'm very conservative - right winged - but a long time ago a teacher told me that while taking a test you see the word "never" or "always", the answer is usually "false" because we don't live in a world of - right or wrong - black or white - up or down - conservative or liberal. The world is gray with some color mixed in.

Maybe your siblings, parents, and friends are not commenting on your blog because they agree with you or maybe because they don't want to display their comments in such a public forum.

Anyhow, Kirk, I'm enjoying getting a little insight into how you think - except the part about being a democrat (grin) - but then if Hillary scares the h@## out of you, you can't be all bad!

Dreem said...

Loud and obnoxious does not always win. But it takes a long time to make the moderates mad enough to respond (they ARE moderates after all.) Or possibly a loud (rational) and stubborn moderate that does not get worn down by loud obnoxious immoderates. One they can (silently) rally behind. Not many of those loud (rational) moderates around it seems.

Jen said...

First of all, the main reason why people are not commenting on your blog is probably because in order to do so we have to first create our own blog. And although many of us may want to comment on your blog, the compulsion is not strong enough to force us to spend the 10 minutes to create a blog we will never use. However, as you can see, I gave in and did just that!

So what was it that forced me to give in? I felt it necesary to come to the rescue of the "disgusting, foul-mouthed pervert." It has been said that Howard Stern has no redeeming social value- and although I would agree that he will not be the man who comes up with the way to world peace and he will probably not educate the masses- there is a lot of social value in sheer entertainment, even if it is of the disgusting, foul-mouthed, perverted variety. He is definitely not for everybody- in fact I would probably get a little embarassed if my mom was listening to him or watching his old tv show on E!, but he has his audience- and it is pretty large. Large enough to make people pay for Sirius Radio, just to listen to him. The porn industry is one of the largest in the country- whether we like it or not- and Howard fits right in that niche yet on the outskirts enough that people don't feel the need to hide it under their matress. He has made it available and acceptable to the masses in a slightly dummed down form. Maybe that is his redeeming social value.

And maybe I just proved that commentary on Howard stern makes moderates mad enough to respond, that I'm just a loud and obnoxious moderate, or quite possibly that I shouldn't be considered moderate at all (but definitely loud and obnoxious!).

Dreem said...

Just because you are loud and obnoxious does not mean you are not a nice person :-)

I was not commenting on the entertainment value of Howard Stern. Having the show on a "pay" basis actually makes sense to me ... those that want it have it available for a small fee and those that find it worse than waterboarding can easily aviod it.

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