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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Check this out

As I become more aware of the whole blogging thing, I realize there's a whole big world out there with lots of interesting people doing interesting things. I came across this blog, Hungry for A Month and I encourage you all to click on this link and read his account of an experiment he tried last November.

Thoughts anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post and article remind me of a reality show that I once saw. It was called “30 days” and created by Morgan Spurlock, who was also responsible for the film “Super Size Me.” The “30 days” episode that I saw was about living on minimum wage. Morgan and his wife literally left their lives and bank account behind for one month. They had to get jobs, a place to live, and everything else they may need. They learned a lot and gained a greater respect for those families who really do struggle everyday living on minimum wage. I believe the greatest educational tool is experience and this was a great example of that. I’m actually considering doing some type of 30 days experiment myself. Not sure what yet but it’s very intriguing to me.

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