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Monday, March 5, 2007

Red vs. Blue

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to church with dear friends in Atlanta, GA and I was able to observe some significant differences between those I worshipped with there and those that I associate with here in the "Blue State" of New Jersey on a daily basis.

All rationalists' arguments of hypocrisy aside, these people were more grounded and focussed. Regardless of whether or not it was show (which I didn't really perceive), there was a greater sense of community and genuine concern for each other.

As I've mentioned here before, it is essential that we work to have all parts of our life work together and there are some great modern philosophers working on that today. We've got to get away from "living for work" to "working to live". This is a great struggle in my current life. I'm debating whether or not a job change is in my future because I find that my job is becoming all-encompassing. I devote better than 80% of my waking time to it and I'm not sure that is fair to my family and myself, let alone my spirituality!

Having seen what a difference it seems to make in these people's lives, I can't encourage you enough to become spirtually active. Attend church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or even private study groups to develop the God-center of your life. You will find that however you reach that place, it WILL change you. You will also find that only those who are elitist snobs with no moral compass or purpose are the one's who automatically equate a firm religious foundation (of any type) with ignorant, redneck hillbillies with one tooth per community.

Lastly, I found that the primary difference between red and blue was the willingness to admit what you stand for. Not being afraid to offend someone because the other person would be able to respect the difference of opinion without finding it a personal attack.

Thoughts anyone?

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