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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

No Gas Day?

Today I got an e-mail from a friend that advocates May 15th as a No Gas day. It is supposed to be a way to force gas companies to lower the price of gas. I would encourage everyone to ignore that e-mail should you come across it for many of the reasons that lists on its page devoted to this particular e-mail.

Instead, I would encourage you to work on making one day a week a "no vehicle" day. This would do a great deal more towards lowering gas prices as well as making other dramatic changes in our society. If everyone took mass transit one day a week, imagine how much incentive that would be for transit systems to improve their service, routes, and pricing. Imagine how much pollution that would take out of the skies (reduce global warming). Imagine how much wear and tear that would save on your vehicle, making it last longer, making it less likely to be in an accident, etc.

If everyone were to spend 52 days a year, not driving, that would send a HUGE message to a lot of people!! I will admit, I would be challenged to do that too, but hey the nice weather is coming up, maybe we can give it a try.

Thoughts anyone?

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