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Monday, June 18, 2007

Leave it better....

I had the privilege of attending a 2 1/2 hour seminar by medium John Edward. Regardless of whether you think he truly speaks to the dead or not (and I do), the time spent was spiritually rewarding nonetheless. I would encourage all readers to watch his series entitled "Cross Country". His message of hope and inspiration is very valuable.

If you get a chance to see him in person, that is well worth it. In addition to being an amazing psychic, he is quite humerous as well. I felt that I was spending an enjoyable evening with John and 4000 of my closest friends.

The message of the evening that most stuck with me was his message that we should "Leave people better than we found them. Everybody. Every day." This is quite a charge, but if you think about it, it's not impossible. If you find someone sad, say a good word. If you find someone mad, listen. If you find someone happy, share. You get the idea. It doesn't take much but it does take an interest. Imagine the power that gives you. Imagine the good it would do. Want to try?

Thoughts anyone?

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