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Friday, June 15, 2007

When Off means OFF

Today I found an interesting article in the New York Times entitled, "Putting Energy Hogs in the Home on a Strict Low-Power Diet". It confirms something that I have suspected for some time now, my PC is gulping energy at an alarming rate.....even when it's off.

The writer, Larry Magid, gives a detailed description of the variety of machines throughout the average home that use electricity even when they are off. He then details a variety of ways in which you can reduce your energy consumption, save money, and reduce your CO2 output.

This article is well worth the read and inspires one to take action. I, for one, will be scouting about my house for things to unplug when not in use. At the very least, I'll be putting in a few switchboxes so that they can lose access to the energy trough.

Thoughts anyone?

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