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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Genetics gone crazy

I have been reading Michael Crichton's "NEXT" and have become more bothered by the growing field of gene therapy. Although some of it is fiction, he regularly sprinkles news stories about interesting events in the field of genetics. I highly recommend this book as a springboard into the world of genetics and genetic ethics.

One of these interesting stories is about research showing that Neanderthals were actually smarter and better looking than the Cro-Magnons which we are currently taught to believe were the "next step" in evolution. The researcher, Peter Frost, has apparently posited that the Neanderthals were more like the ideal Aryans, tall, blonde, blue-eyed, and smart. This lead me to check out some of his research and it is very interesting and quite possibly controversial if people outside the genetic world actually read it.

The book and the website are both worth reading, but be prepared to be scared. The things being done in genetic research are scary. For example, did you know that "designer" animals are being created for the purpose of art? Did you realize that they have actually created wings for pigs? Did you know that certain universities have tried to use the power of eminent domain to make people give up their genetic material?

Read and learn.

Thoughts anyone?

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