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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hillary's Scorched Earth program

Hillary, in my humble opinion, has made a critical error for the Democratic party by allowing her desperate campaign to release this photo of Obama on a state visit to Kenya. In addition to making her look like the power-hungry, self-serving, morally bankrupt, woman that she is, it will provide fodder for those who oppose Obama in the general election. There are already e-mails circulating the internet falsely stating that he is a Muslim. His patriotism is in question, (in fact, even on this blog) due to a variety of missteps by him and his wife. It does no good, and should seal the deal on her quest for the throne. Just another example of why she shouldn't hold any position of has corrupted her absolutely.

Thoughts anyone?

The History Channel Shop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion both candidates are corrupt. I question Obama's morals and standings he seems to have a hidden agenda and I don't think it's a good one.

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