I have to agree with Bill
This weekend's debate over whether Obama is patriotic or not is more smoke and mirrors. I actually have to agree with Bill Clinton's remarks where he wishes that we had two decent candidates whose credentials were not in question and we could decide merely on the basis of their stand on issues. This is the wish of the majority of American voters. Alas, that will not be the case regardless of who the Democrats choose.
A reader asked in response to an earlier post, what are my thoughts on the 2008 election now. I stand by my original prediction which is that the Democrats will choose Obama as the flavor of the week. He is young, a great speaker, and not white. These make him the favorite of the ruling left wingers in the party. Add to this the fact that he is NOT Hillary, and that pulls in the disenfranchised middle and right of the party. I don't see them choosing Hillary because she is disliked, discredited, and married to Bill.
That being said, I still feel that the country will have a hard time not voting for McCain. There is still rampant racism in many areas of the country and the whole stir over Obama's pastor's remarks show that this will be exploited. The country also tends to be more to the center than Obama and while he has the younger vote, so did John Anderson in 80. They talk more than they vote. It will be interesting, but that's my current take on it.
Thoughts anyone?