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Monday, January 26, 2009

Intolerance of the Obama Supporter

So here is the e-mail that I received:

"Go to, and fill in "Pocket Obama" in the search area. Read all about the book, especially theh 'excerpts' part. Sends chills and thoughts of Stalin down the old spine. Chris Matthews get chills up his leg, I get 'em down my spine.This is very scary, seeing as how he has been president for less than a week. I almost sense a religious movement forming around him.RUN FOR THE HILLS!!"

That's all it said. You would think that it called for a national recall of the election of Barak Obama. No, it merely talks about a book and gives a negative opinion. If you read the excerpts of this book, they are merely sayings.  So far, the e-mail (which was forwarded to about 30 people) has generated no less than 10 e-mails full of anger and spite to someone who, one would assume, was a friend of theirs.

The thing that amazes me is the fact that these people are angry that the original e-mailer would send them an e-mail so "full of anger and hate."  Read it again, do you see any anger or hate?  I see a potentially right-wing rant (which in reading the book is totally unjustified), but nothing else.

The scary thing here is the fact that these Obama supporters are quick to talk about Hope and Change and a New World and Tolerance, but it seems to only apply to those who thing like they do.  While they talk about free speech, they don't seem to be inclined to allow it.  While they talk about respect and dignity, they don't seem to offer it (witness the boos and shouts of "go home now" to the then-President of our country) to anyone they don't agree with.

I am worried and excited about President Obama.  I found his inaugural address to be very much inspired by FDR and that pleases me.  What I find most troublesome is the media-inspired deification of the man.  It is all but impossible for him to live up to this image.  His supporters seem to feel that he is going to get back at the man and score one for the oppressed.  Well, who decides who "the man" is and who is "oppressed"?  In addition, how is this a new approach of hope and change?  How is this a new world order?  It sounds like intolerance and suppression, just now coming from the left instead of the right.

Thoughts anyone?

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Dreem said...

Sounds like business as usual to me. The far left, of which Obama is one, has never had any tolerance for other views. Not even the "grit your teeth and tolerate it even though you disagree" kind. And they have no compunctions on using force, legal, civil, bureaucratic, or other, to force minority opinions and policies on the rest of us. Observe California and the left's schemes and intolerance around the gay marriage issue. After vast sums were spent in the campaign in favor of gay marriage, a solid majority voted against it. And STILL the left tries get around the majority and enforce its will on society. Business as usual. If you want tolerance, look to your conservative neighbors. They may not agree with you, but they won't call you EVIL and HATE you for expressing your opinion.

pjblogger62 said...

nothing new being a liberal in the US is all about being and Intolerant elitist ignorant spoiled brat, its all the things they accuse everyone else of being anyway its the 70's generation and it wont stick the 80's people are too energetic and there is too much technology to allow so much stupidity on a mass scale for very long ,in the mean time we get the government we deserve lol

Unknown said...

You praise FDR but in my opinion, he started much of the mess we are in right now.
Let me give you a simple example. Take two people - one works, the other doesn't. If the worker earns a dollar and the government gives the non-worker a dollar, that makes both dollars worth 50 cents.
On the other hand, I shouldn't complain. San Antonio DESPERATELY NEEDS $69 Million. They sent their representatives to Washington this week to explain our need. We want the money to improve our infrastructure. We need to build on to our river walk. San Antonio runs on tourism and without expanding our river walk, all our poor people will suffer! Here is our website:

Unknown said...

Follow-on to my previous comment - I hear now that San Antonio expects to receive $2.1 billion - only a small portion to go to the river walk - the rest to other "infrastructure improvement" to include improving the energy efficiency of several buildings. They say this will create 22,000 jobs. Now playing around a little with math - if 1/2 that amount goes for materials - that leaves about $45K for each job created. Now if these are truly infrastructure jobs, won't it take 3-5 years to complete? That means somewhere between $9K and $27K per job. Hope my relatives get in on the high end of that...

Anonymous said...

"They may not agree with you, but they won't call you EVIL and HATE you for expressing your opinion."

about being and Intolerant elitist ignorant spoiled brat,"

Ah.... to be enlightened and conservative. And tolerant to boot!

Dreem said...

"Ah.... to be enlightened and conservative. And tolerant to boot!"

No one said anything about enlightened, but "grit your teeth and tolerate the boorish behavior"? Yea, thats it. Tolerance does not have anything to do with getting along with people you AGREE with.

PatricktheRogue said...

I think you'll find unreasonable people on any side of the political aisle.

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