Welcome to a new decade
So now we begin 2011 and the start of the second decade of the 21st century. It's amazing the things that have and haven't come to pass as we've grown up. According to what we read in the '70's, by now we were either going to be flying around in hovercars that were automatically driven by computers, or sitting in mud huts shivering in the cold, barely able to breathe the air because we'd used up all our resources and were swimming in our own filth.
It is indeed fortunate that the latter didn't happen and somewhat disappointing that we aren't flying (although they are working very hard on cars with auto-pilot). No one predicted that we would be carrying the internet in our pockets through cell phones, the PC wasn't even a concept then. CD's and MP3's weren't conceptualized yet. Terrorism was something that happened only in the Middle East. The Soviet Union was our biggest fear and catching syphilis was the danger presented by unprotected sex.
How things have changed. I'm asking you, blog readers, to submit what you think our next few years look like. Will Republicans shrink our government? Is it the end of the age of the US as a world power? Will we run out of energy? Will the icecaps disappear? Use your imagination and psychic powers and let us know what you think.
Thoughts anyone?
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