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Saturday, November 25, 2006

A New Era is Born

Greetings to all of life's travellers who stop by here. I am creating this blog for both selfish and hopefully self-less reasons. I have always had an interest in commenting on things going on in our society, but have never had a forum. Now with the development of the "blog", this is no longer true.

The point of this blog will develop over time. My original conception is to be a place to stop and think about things that we deal with on a daily basis. I will range from ranting about parents who let their children stand in their shopping carts at obvious peril to their children (yes, I work for a major retailer) to the wisdom of the invasion of Iraq (yes, I was a political science major back in college).

I encourage one and all to comment and we will see where we go with this. I do reserve the right to accept or decline comment and will use that right, not to stifle thought, but to keep the discussion appropriate. I've read other blogs and have found that nothing stops an active thread faster than someone posting infantile nonsense. To avoid this, I would encourage all who stop in to keep relevant and stay polite (not necessarily calm, just polite).

I hope you will join with me and let's walk the road of life together.

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