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Monday, November 27, 2006

One thing at a time

In searching for things to ponder tonight, I went through a variety of websites and found an editorial entitled, "Holiday Defenses Breached" which is to be published in the November 28th edition of the New York Times (a paragon of virtue).

The writer laments the encroachment of Christmas on the Thanksgiving and even Halloween "holidays" (if Halloween can be considered a holiday). I would agree that retailers are offending our sensibilities in search of the almighty dollar (yes, my employer mandates the constant playing of Christmas music in all stores effective November 1st).

Further research turned up the same topic on over 50 blogs throughout the country. Many were written in early November, and some even in October. This means that I am 'late' to the subject which then requires that I need to add something new to the debate. This presents quite the challenge.

In reading the posts and comments, I realize that the common theme is addressing the "retailers". Being an employee of such an organization I can attest to two things as fact. The first is, decisions of this nature are made at the highest of corporate levels. The second is, those decisions are driven by the actions of the consumer.......that would be YOU!!

This means, despite the muttered grumbling about the Christmas music overhead (and I hear it almost daily) and despite the kvetching (a word from my wife) about the Christmas displays being up in November, YOU STILL ACCEPT IT!! Not only do you accept it, you seem to embrace it.

Are we really so blind to the meaning of the holiday that it has been reduced to buying presents? Have we reduced one of the two high points of the Christian calendar to a holiday that's "really just for the kids"? When did Santa replace Jesus? When did "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All" (to be politically correct), get reduced to a way to market goods through feel-good commercials?

Just as importantly, in allowing retailers to follow this tack, we've reduced Thanksgiving to a mere footnote. This year Comp-USA opened its doors at 9pm on Thanksgiving Day. Hoo-ray says the shopper!! SHAME ON YOU, I say!!

Do we really need to shop that badly? What about those people who are required to give up their family time to stock out merchandise, ring up customers, sweep the floors, recover the merchandise, and manage the stores? Don't they get a chance to reflect, relax, and be thankful? Don't they deserve to celebrate our national holiday?

If you agree that Christmas season begins with Advent (after Thanksgiving), if you agree that Thanksgiving must remain a day of rest and reflection for ALL, if you agree that there are things more important than merely crossing off "things" on your Christmas list, then I ask you to do two things.

First, e-mail this post to as many people as you can.

Second please write Comp-USA, Federated, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Sears, J.C. Penney's, and any other retailer and let them know, we DON'T want to see Christmas ads/sales before Thanksgiving, we DON'T want to hear Christmas music before Thanksgiving, and MOST importantly, we DON't want to shop on Thanksgiving or Christmas day!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Christmas "shopping" and the retail season has been the bain of man since the two were linked many years ago. This has been best put by Stan Freberg in his Green Chri$tma$ - see link below (it is over 40 years old and still pertinent today!)

Peapod - Lighten the Load this Holiday Season with $10 in Free Groceries (468x60)