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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What are they thinking?

So my friends at FOX News, gleefully I'm sure, report the results of their latest poll which shows that Hillary Clinton beats Barack Obama in polling, but both of them lose to either John McCain or Rudy Giuliani, the supposed Republican front-runners. This should be a surprise to absolutely nobody.

The question I would like to ask Howard Dean and the other wackjobs at the DNC is, what are you thinking? Are Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Edwards, and John Kerry the best you have to offer us? Do we have to look for all of our candidates in the land of misfit liberals? I don't even have to ask Howard if he's lost his mind, his rantings and screaming speak eloquently to that fact.

There is a reason that the Republicans have held office for quite some time. They have mastered the art of being "of the people." On another blog, one poster spoke of the fact that Bush won in 2000 because he was someone people could "have a beer with." They were derisive in their tone and I believe he completely missed the point! That is exactly what the voter wants!! We want someone who believes what we believe, who feels what we feel, and who thinks what we think (although hopefully a little smarter). We want someone who we would feel comfortable having a beer with and working through the problems of the world.

We voted for Bill Clinton because he had that quality. He was a good ol' boy from Arkansas. If you saw Primary Colors, one of the most endearing scenes showed the "Clinton character" at a Krispy Kreme in the middle of the night talking politics with those in the store. That is the type of person that we want. We elected the peanut farmer from Georgia, the straight-talking gentlemen from California and Texas all for the same reason.

If you study the platforms of the parties, they are remarkably similar because the parties know that most of America is in the center. It thus comes down to the personalities. In the case of our potential candidates, only Obama seems to have one. Hillary is a chameleon who changes with the latest poll. She, like her husband, stands for whatever will keep her approval ratings up. Al Gore is an egghead. His appearances on SNL not withstanding, he comes across as a one-note environmental geek. John Edwards and John Kerry are just uninspiring losers (not to mention fabricators of the highest order).

On the other hand, the Republicans give us the Vietnam Vet who is known for his independent thought and straight-shooting rhetoric. The other is known as "America's mayor" for his brilliant ability to keep things together on 9-11 (and being a NJ first responder that day, it's scary how close it all came to falling apart). Both of these men would be someone that you could see sitting in the local diner (Dennys for those not in the Northeast) and talking about the problems of the day.

In order to spread their popularity outside the liberal blue states (Northeast and California), the Dems need to search the country for someone better. Someone like us. I am sure that there are plenty of Democrats throughout the country who can speak well and forthrightly. Who don't carry far left baggage, and who will actually follow their conscience instead of the most recent poll. They must have the ability to set the course and then step aside and let the professionals make it happen (a Reagan forte and Carter failure).

Please, Howie, do us Democrats a favor...........keep looking.

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