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Friday, January 5, 2007

A word about the French

In my search for things to write about, I came across the following statement in an AP article on Iraq:

"French President Jacques Chirac, meanwhile, said the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq destabilized the entire Middle East and caused terrorism to spread, adding that the problems in Iraq justified France's strong opposition to the war.
"As France foresaw and feared, the war in Iraq caused upheavals whose effects have not yet finished unraveling," Chirac said Friday in his New Year's message to French ambassadors.

The fact that France foresaw anything is unlikely. It is more that France feared, a common French trait. I hope they remember how much they have supported their loyal US ally the next time they need us. While I think that renaming toast and fries to be "freedom" is ridiculous, I understand that we should no longer consider the French government to be deserving of any more support (financial or political) or consideration than that of Namibia. In short, they are not worthy of our time.

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