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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Wireless Electricity?

In searching for today's thoughts, I came across a topic that some of the other bloggers picked up. It's an article from yesterday on entitled, "Death of the Cell Phone Charger." It talks about a new technology that will convert energy waves that are floating around our home or office into DC current used to charge small devices such as a cell phone.

The entrepreneur who started the company, Powercast, has signed non-disclosure agreements with over 100 other companies who are working to incorporating his technology into their products. How cool is this? When you sit down at your desk, your cell phone automatically begins to charge. When you sit it on the nightstand and go to sleep, no more remembering to plug it in, unplug it in the morning, etc. It sits there, it charges.

The article talks about many of the potential uses and is certainly worth the read. Sometimes it's just exciting to see what really cool things people can make happen, isn't it?

Thoughts anyone?

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