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Thursday, January 17, 2008

The consumer speaks

So Circuit City has released its third quarter results and guess what.....they suck! Their sales declined 3.1% company wide and 5.6% in stores that have been open over one year. It's just under a year ago that they stunned the country by dismissing 9% of their workforce in a single day, with no warning. I said then that the consumer must speak out about how unfair and unwise that was. It seems that many across the country agreed with me and we have stayed away from Circuit City in droves.

I am hoping that those governing corporations across the country are paying attention to what happens when you summarily dismiss your most experienced employees across the board and callously destroy lives like that. While I'm not so naive as to believe that everyone stayed away from Circuit City for moral reasons, I do know that there are others that, like myself, have stayed away for exactly that reason. Whether you stopped patronizing Circuit City because you don't like what their management stands for or because you don't want to deal with an unmotivated 18 year old part-timer who doesn't know an HDTV from a weed-wacker (nor could he care), kudos to you. Keep it up and watch the end of Circuit City.

Thoughts anyone?


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