Why not Hillary!
So Super Tuesday is coming and our party (the Democratic National Party) is going to vote on delegates who will decide our candidate for the presidency. Our choices are now Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. To quote an e-mail from a friend, I have a severe case of electile dysfunction which is defined as a failure to be aroused by any candidate running in the 2008 presidential election.
I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that I will vote for my neighbor down the street (whom I've never met) before I will vote for Hillary Clinton. Here's why: It has nothing to do with the fact that I disagree with almost every liberal, government enlarging, power grabbing program that she proposes, it has to do with something more basic.........HER!
As my wife says, she lost all credibility when she stood by her poor excuse of a husband while he's disgracing the office (literally) of the President of the United States by having an intern perform oral sex on him. There is NO justification for that kind of poor judgement and disrespect for all that office stands for. If he is so base as to do that there, then he apparently has no type of moral compass and is thus not the type of person to lead our country.
Furthermore, when she condones that type of behavior by "standing by her man" AGAIN, it tells you there is something more to her than loyalty. She showed us what that was when she announced her political ambitions (ambition being the key word). She showed that morality and decency are expendible in her quest to be in charge. Although her mouth tells us that she is working to bring a better life for all of us, her deeds show that she is a power-hungry megalomaniac.
There was a well-known Republican who ran because he believed that he was best able to help the underdogs. He believed it so much that he became the closest thing the US saw to a dictator. His name, Richard Nixon. The similarities in his psyche and motivations to those of Hillary are remarkable. Neither show any shame or restraint in their quest for the top because they truly believe that only they know what's best for the rest of us.
I cannot urge you enough to vote against Hillary on Tuesday. If you agree, please click on the e-mail button at the bottom of this article and e-mail it to as many people as you can before Tuesday.
Thoughts anyone?
Hillary Healthcare ... just look at other countries to see how well it works ...
More of the same
Woman with breast cancer was told she could not buy the drug Avastin, which was not available to her from the National Health Service, because it would be unfair if she were allowed to have a better outcome than others who could not afford to pay for drugs considered too expensive by the government. So her cancer has now metastasized and she will probably die. The NHS is on the lookout to make sure someone does not CHEAT by using their own money and survive when it would not be the fair thing to do.
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