The United States?
As we travel the United States this weekend, it once again becomes obvious how huge the United States is. Frequently we forget that we are really a conglomeration of what, anywhere else, would be several different countries. It is important to know the the 13 countries that make up the origianl European Union would find handily between the US East Coast and the Mississippi River. This just gives you an idea of how big a country we are and how amazing it is that we have actually kept it together for over 200 years now.
This puts our internal squabbles into a different perspective. It's educational to hear how midwesterners and/or southerners talk about those who live in the "east" (actually the northeast, but everyone seems to know what they are talking about). It's also interesting, although sad, to hear those who live in the New York metro area talk about the farmers of the midwest as though they are country bumpkins with little or no intellectual ability.
The fact of the matter is, these farmers here regularly operate farms that have more moving parts than many small businesses operated by those sophisticated easterners. In addition, one piece of farm equipment is worth as much (or more) than some of the houses sold in our neighborhood. These farmers regularly have to know about hydroponics, weather, finance, futures, biology, geology, and a host of other disciplines. How many snobby "professionals" can say the same?
Thoughts anyone?
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