Accountability II
This is the major divide between the left and the right at this point. When Tea Party members talk about "big government" they are really talking about the belief that the government's job is to protect all from any danger through regulation and legislation. The belief that it is government's responsibility to make sure that everyone can afford to eat three meals a day and live in suitable housing without even having to work if they can't find a job that they like. The belief that those who are more successful should share their financial success with those who are less successful by paying higher taxes, regardless of the effort put forth by those who are less successful.
Is this what we really believe? Is it true that people are no longer responsible for their own actions? Is everything controlled by our environment and everything bad that happens the result of actions beyond our control? Is that a reason for the government to control all aspects of our lives in order to "keep us safe"?
Thoughts anyone?